Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Slacking on exercise...

It seems like everything is conspiring against me... or, at least, my ability to exercise.

My mom's been very sick, so I've been spending a lot of afternoons with her. Hubby's been working a lot (and I prefer to exercise with him). The weather's been super cold and windy, so outdoor walks don't really work right now. And I've been incredibly tired (probably a combination of physical and emotional exhaustion).

Sounds like a bunch of excuses, right?

I guess that's really all it is. I'm making a bunch of lame-0 excuses to justify my lack of exercise. Looking over my workout journal, I've been averaging one short walk per week.

That's hardly acceptable.

If I don't exercise during this pregnancy, I'll probably continue to feel tired and exhausted. Which means I'll be a tired and exhausted "new mom." Which means it'll take me even longer to lose the baby weight.

The smartest thing I can do right now is stay active throughout this pregnancy. Regular workouts now--even if they're just brisk walks--will help me lose the weight once the baby is born. So I gotta get motivated to do it, even if I don't feel like it.


Unknown said...

Just get out and do it. That is all you can do :-)

Sally JPA said...

You're right; you just need to make yourself get out there. Even if you're just taking some lovely walks, they'll help you feel better on those days and will boost your overall health.

When I was walking for exercise, the first opportunity of the day where I would think, "I could go walk now," instead of giving myself time to make excuses, I'd just shut down my thinking and strap on my tennis shoes.

BeFit-Mom said...

The irony, is that exercise creates energy, and will cure your mental and physcial exhaustion! The key is to put regular exercise sessions in your schedule, then when the time comes, don't allow your mind to start bargaining. This is how to establish the habit of exercise.

Also, start tracking how your feel before and after. Physical energy level before fitness walking? How about your psychological frame of mind. Then after your fitenss walk, re-evaluate. You'll find that both your physical and mental to be a lot higher. This immediate improvement will help motivate you to get out there and exercise more!