Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Slacking on exercise...

It seems like everything is conspiring against me... or, at least, my ability to exercise.

My mom's been very sick, so I've been spending a lot of afternoons with her. Hubby's been working a lot (and I prefer to exercise with him). The weather's been super cold and windy, so outdoor walks don't really work right now. And I've been incredibly tired (probably a combination of physical and emotional exhaustion).

Sounds like a bunch of excuses, right?

I guess that's really all it is. I'm making a bunch of lame-0 excuses to justify my lack of exercise. Looking over my workout journal, I've been averaging one short walk per week.

That's hardly acceptable.

If I don't exercise during this pregnancy, I'll probably continue to feel tired and exhausted. Which means I'll be a tired and exhausted "new mom." Which means it'll take me even longer to lose the baby weight.

The smartest thing I can do right now is stay active throughout this pregnancy. Regular workouts now--even if they're just brisk walks--will help me lose the weight once the baby is born. So I gotta get motivated to do it, even if I don't feel like it.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Frozen Meals

I've become a frozen meal junkie.

I've always stayed away from frozen meals--except the occasional Amy's Organic Meal--because they're loaded with chemicals, preservatives and sodium. The only benefit to these meals at all is that they're calorie-controlled. Most "healthy" versions contain around 300 calories. Add an extra dish of veggies, and it's a pretty decent sized meal for very little calories.

Hubby works past dinner time a lot of evenings, which means I have to fend for myself. In the past, I might have made myself a healthy stir-fry or nibbled on a bowl of soup. These days, however, I just don't have the energy or motivation to cook.

The result? I am eating frozen meals all the time. I mostly stick with vegetarian versions, like beans/rice or spaghetti marinara. Nonetheless, these aren't exactly well-rounded meals. (In truth, I don't make that extra side of veggies like I should.)

I'm going to have to start thinking of some options for quick and easy healthy meals that require very little cooking.

Human Touch Massage Chairs

This is a sponsored post

During this pregnancy, I have experienced most of the typical pregnancy side effects and symptoms… including back pain. I've been longing for a quality massage that can help ease some of the discomfort I'm feeling through my shoulders and back.

So I was amazed and delighted to discover Human Touch Massage Chairs, which have advanced computer controls. These chairs are designed to relieve pain and alleviate stress with massage technology that replicates the feel of a real massage! They're customizable so you can create an experience almost identical to the one you'd receive from a human massage professional.

One of the favorite features of this product is that it gives you a full body massage--shoulders, back and legs. I'm currently experiencing some pain in those areas, and I know a chair like this would help me find some relief.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Food Diary

Even though I am currently pregnant, I still keep a food diary. When I'm trying to lose weight, cut fat or build muscle mass, a food diary helps me track my diet to ensure that I'm getting the proper nutrition for my goals. I figured it could do the same for me during pregnancy.

But keeping my food diary, I help ensure that both me and the baby are getting plenty of nutrients. I can quickly glance at a week's worth of entries to find out if I'm short on veggies, fruit or whole grains. I can also find out if I've been having too many treats of ice cream and brownies.

I've been keeping this food diary for years. Simplicity is one of the reasons I've been able to maintain it. I don't track macronutrients, and in some cases I don't even track portion sizes. A typical entry might look like this:

10:00 AM: 3 scrambled egg whites, 1 slice whole wheat toast, 1/2 apple

Although it's not incredibly detailed, it's just enough info to help me stay on track.

Auto Warranties

This is a sponsored post

Although I consider myself a "green" environmentalist, Hubby and I own a gas-guzzling SUV. The reason? We fancy ourselves to be outdoor enthusiasts, and I love to exercise outside. So we wanted a vehicle that would hold our bikes and provide the 4-wheel drive we'd need to go up a mountain.

As a result, our SUV takes a beating. At one point, we considered purchasing an Auto Warranty. Auto warranties generally cover more than the factory warranty, and they're a great choice for car owners who tend to be a little rough on their vehicles. They may also be useful for folks who want a little extra protection and peace of mind.

To learn more about auto warranties, check out the personal finance website It's full of information about all things related to money, including insurance, auto warranties, student loans, mortgages and more.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Slowing down...

Since it was cold today, I decided to hop on the treadmill. Imagine my surprise to discover that I'm walking at about half the speed of my pre-pregnancy walks. It was a huge shock to me. I knew that I had slowed down... but I had no idea how much I had slowed.

I did some very light upper body stuff today. And, again, I cut back the weight about 50%. It was a dramatic change.

I figure this change in the feel of my workouts is for a few different reasons:
  • My changing body: I'm carrying more weight, and my lungs are starting to get smushed by my insides. (I've even noticed that I get short of breath more easily just doing basic housework.) This means less endurance, less energy, etc.
  • I'm less fit: If truth is to be told, I'm simply less fit. I barely moved during the "queasy" phase of my first trimester. And I dialed everything back a notch so I didn't do anything risky during those early days. Since it's been months and months since I've gone on a real run or done any real weight lifting, I've clearly lost some of both my aerobic and strength capacities.
  • I'm nervous: Even though I'm in the "safer" zone of the second trimester, I'm still worried about straining my body too hard. If I weren't pregnant, I would be physically capable of pushing myself harder and accomplishing more on the treadmill. But I don't want to do any single thing that might cause problems for me and the baby.
So... until this pregnancy is over, I guess I'll just do my best to stay fit with my lighter workouts. It's been hard for me to mentally accept, but I don't really have a choice.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I've been trying to find a way to eat more veggies.

Normally, I am a total veg-head. But ever since this pregnancy, I've kind of lost my taste for them. So now I'm trying to "trick" myself into eating more. Here are a few things I've been doing:
  • Snacking on veggies and dip
  • Mixing broccoli and cheese (and serving over a baked potato)
  • Adding chopped veggies to omelettes
  • Cooking pots of veggie soup (and adding extra cabbage)
  • Mixing veggies into ramen noodles
  • Adding extra veggies to sandwiches
It's still not as good as eating things like veggie stir-fry, but at least it's a start. Hopefully, in the near future, I'll re-develop my taste for vegetables. A small part of me does miss meals like veggie casseroles.

On the plus side, I've really been enjoying fruit. In the past, I always had to force myself to eat it. Now, in a strange twist of fate, I can't seem to get enough bananas, blueberries and clementines. (Although I still hate apples.)

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Went for a 30 minute walk today. I'm having some leg/hip pain, so it's not exactly a speed walk. But at least it's something.

DH has been great about coming along with me. Many times we bring the dogs, too, so they get a chance to exercise. It's a nice way for the whole family to get some "bonding" time together... and I'm hoping he keeps walking with me for a while.

I have to go out and get some new sports bras soon. My boobs have gotten bigger and they no longer fit into my old bras. And even though I'm not doing any high-impact exercise, the girls still need a little support!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Back to Basics

My morning sickness has finally subsided, and veggies are starting to sound good again. (Well, at least as good as veggies can get.) I am trying to eat at least a few servings a day, but it's not always easy (unless you count the tomato sauce on my pizza).

One good thing about pregnancy is that I am enjoying sweeter foods... which means I've actually developed a taste for fruit! In the past, I avoided fruit as "too sweet." But now I find myself craving things like bananas and berries. (On the downside, I am also craving pudding and cookies.)

I'm also craving white, starchy carbs... things like potatoes, rice and pasta. Can't seem to get enough of it! And, unfortunately, I'm not doing enough exercise to justify the large portions I'm eating.

But as I enter the second trimester... hopefully I'll get a handle on my cravings.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My Health "Condition"

So... as many of you know, I've been changing my eating habits and limiting my exercise because of a health condition. Well... it's time to break the news:

My "condition" is a bun in the oven!

Hubby and I are pregnant with our first child... a big thrill for both of us.

I will continue posting here, as I want to keep my diet as nutritious as possible throughout this pregnancy. (Though I haven't been doing such a great job so far.) Also, I am going to keep walking as long as this pregnancy permits, since staying fit will help me bounce back after the baby is born.

In the meantime, I am also keeping a pregnancy blog here: