Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Crampy and Cranky

Ever have one of those days? Probably, if you're female.

Anyway, today I feel seriously crampy and definitely cranky. I keep growling at poor Hubby, who's just trying to be a nice guy.

Normally I would bury these feelings under a mound of something full of carbs--spaghetti, bread, Chinese food, pizza. But I've heard that healthy eating can actually ease PMS symptoms. So today, instead of indulging in typical pre-PMS munchies, I'm going to try eating healthy fruits and veggies.

It might help a lot with my cramps... but I'm having my doubts about whether it'll ease my crankiness.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Autumn Health

Today I glanced out my kitchen window to see a tree's leaves, starting to yellow and orange from the season, fluttering in an autumn wind. I could almost smell the crisp fall air, lightly scented with a hint of smoke from a far-away neighbor's wood stove.

It certainly made me feel like autumn was here... and here to stay.

There are two reasons I love autumn:
  • It's perfect running weather. Sometimes I only need shorts and a long-sleeve tee. Other times I need running tights and a light jacket. Nonetheless, fall weather is perfect for long runs through the neighborhood. (I hate the stifling heat of the summer.)
  • It's perfect soup weather. I think soup is the most convenient health food. You can make a big pot that lasts all week long, so it gives you multiple meals for just one cooking session. Even better, you can add almost anything to it, so you can get all your protein, carbs and veggies without the hassle of needing a side dish.
I'm thrilled that fall is finally here. It's enough to make me want to get outside and run!


(This is a sponsored post)

Generally speaking, I am not the flashy type. The only jewelry I wear consistently is a plain, white gold cross necklace, my wedding band and my diamond engagement ring.

On special occasions, however, I will change my necklace and add earrings. For those types of events, I prefer elegant, expensive jewelry. And one of my favorite stores to browse for this type of jewelry is JrDunn.

The store's website offers a huge variety of jewelry, including diamond engagement rings and pearl earrings.

Whether you're shopping for yourself or someone else, JrDunn is likely to have that perfect piece of jewelry for every occasion.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Odds and Ends

Just some odds and ends about my life and my pursuit of fitness:
  • I have just recently quit--totally quit--smoking again. (And, as a result, I've quit drinking, too... at least until I get a handle on life without cigs.) So I'm ready to jump start my fitness program again. It's time to clear out these lungs and get off my tush!
  • I took a short break from tracking my food, but I am back to a daily journal of my meals and snacks. It helps keep me accountable, and it reminds me to stay focused. So far, so good...
  • I have pulled out all my winter clothes, which means it's time for running tights instead of running shorts. I gotta admit... I love running tights. They just feel so good against my skin!
  • My left foot is still bothering me... it seems to be something I may suffer from for the rest of my life. I haven't been very diligent about stretching and icing it. I'm making a commitment to stretch it at least twice a day.

Workout Clothing Coupons

(This is a sponsored post)

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you know how much I love to shop… especially for fitness and exercise clothing. Fortunately, websites like provides coupons and deals to all my favorite stores.

Since I'm a big bargain hunter, I especially love to shop at discount stores. Kohl's coupons help me pay even less than their already low prices. Their activewear section usually has some fitness and exercise clothing that I can wear while doing yoga, stretching or aerobics. Occasionally I find a great deal on sports bras and athletic shorts, too!

These types of clothing can easily cost $20-$50 each at a regular retail store. But when I combine Kohl's discount coupons and the store's low prices, I can often drop the cost to 50% less than the regular retail price. And in my opinion, that's a real bargain! offers other deals, too, like 1800PetMeds coupons and bargains.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Work Stress

To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it. ~ Bunker Hunt

I keep this quote on a post-it note stuck to my computer monitor, and I read it every day.

For me, it sums up everything in my life. Career. Fitness. Family.

Everything worth obtaining requires sacrifice. But first it requires decision.

I decide to be healthy and fit. I acknowledge the sacrifices I must make to achieve that goal. Then I resolve to pay the price--to make the sacrifices--to achieve it.

It's a quote that inspires and motivates. It reminds us that diligence, persistence and dedication are the keys to achieving our dreams. And it is a painful reminder that we must always pay a price.

I'd never heard of Bunker Hunt, so today I Googled his name. Apparently, he was an American oil executive who bankrupted his company when he tried to (illegally) corner the market on silver in the 1980s. He was convicted of the crime.

So I guess he paid his price, too.

And I have to ask myself: Are some of the things I'm willing to sacrifice for success--time with family, meals with loved ones, parties with friends--are those sacrifices really any better than Bunker Hunt's? Or does it always come down to selfishness in the end?

Walking Tours For Fitness and Fun

Although I've lived most of my life above the Mason-Dixon line, I consider myself to be a mix of Yankee and Southern Belle. The southerner in me loves the hospitality, friendliness and slower pace of the southern states. As a result, I've always wanted to take a trip to South Carolina.

My Mother-In-Law was raised in Charleston, and I've been considering a tour of the city. But since I've never been to Charleston, I prefer to let the experts guide my sightseeing. Fortunately, travel service Trusted Tours and Attractions offers a Charleston Tour that includes sightseeing.

A tour is a fun way to see a new city, and it's something I've always wanted to try. I love the idea of a themed tour, and those of you who regularly read my blog will understand why "The Pub Walk of Charleston" sounds so appealing to me!

Hubby is a lot more interested in history, though, so I could see him finding interest in "The Charleston Civil War Walking Tour." The great thing about this particular tour is that it combines history with exercise, so at least I'll be able to walk off some of that tasty southern food! The "Original Charleston Walk" is another great way to get some exercise while I learn about the local history and legends.

If you prefer a more northern destination, this travel service also offers Boston Tours and tours in other cities, like Chicago and Niagara Falls.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

LSD versus HIIT

They may sound like the latest street drugs, but they're really two different styles of training. And I'm trying to decide between the two of them.

Long Slow Distance (LSD): These types of runs are generally reserved for the training of endurance athletes. I suppose, however, that anyone can do LSD training... it's just the "distance" is all relative to experience. LSD runs are usually a runner's "long" run of the week. Depending on ability, it can be as long as 20+ miles (or as short as 2 or 3).
Pros: Builds stamina; necessary training for anyone who wants to complete an endurance race
Cons: Not much of a fat burner; takes a long time

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): These are the types of cardio workouts recommended in Body for Life. They're generally very short--in BFL they last 20 minutes or so. HIIT workouts involve short bursts of "high intensity" (such as running so fast your guts practically fall out) followed by periods of recovery time (jogging or slower running). This pattern is repeated over and over again through the entire workout.
Pros: Torches calories in a serious way; short
Cons: Doesn't allow for much endurance training

So which one should I do?

While I really want to burn calories and shed some fat, I also want to get started training for some endurance events.

I think I'll try to combine the best of both worlds and do four runs each week.

1 short, easy recovery run
1 "fun" run

That should keep my plan varied and interesting.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Body For Life

I know there are at least a few bloggers out there who have tried Body for Life. It's a 12-week diet and fitness plan--fairly stringent--that's designed to help you lose weight and build muscle. (Although I tend to think it's mostly a "cutting" plan rather than a muscle-building plan.)

The basic tenants are this:

1. 5-6 mini meals per day, each of which contain one "portion" of protein and one "portion" of carbs
2. A "portion" is a serving approximately the size of your palm or fist
3. Veggies--like spinach, lettuce and broccoli--can be added to every meal
4. Workouts are either cardio (20 minute high intensity interval sessions) or weights (a half pyramid with a compound pump set)
5. Workouts are rotated each day (day of cardio, day of weights, day of cardio, etc.) six days a week
6. Day 7 is a "free" and "rest" day; no exercise, and you can eat anything you want

Follow the plan and you'll get visible results in 12 weeks.

Personally, I have always believed that Body for Life is a solid plan. It teaches portion control, regular eating habits and regular exercise. It balances cardio and strength training. And it teaches us to indulge--just a little bit--every once in a while.

Hubby and I are thinking about starting up this program again on Monday. I'm looking forward to it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Everyone used to agree that 8 glasses of water is best for optimal health. But lately I've been hearing that it's all a myth. In fact, according to my favorite health guru Dr. Oz, we get plenty of water from food and other beverages. And drinking lots of water doesn't really make our skin any healthier or more supple!

Even though experts have been saying that the "8 glasses a day" is a myth, I still try and drink a lot of water. It's refreshing on a hot day, and it helps me rehydrate after I workout. I find that I am likely to get a headache on days when I don't drink much water.

There is one unfortunate side effect, though. I find myself running to the bathroom every hour or so! Some people say that this eventually stops as your body gets used to the extra water, but that's never happened for me. I always have to go, even if I've been drinking plenty of water for months. It's rather inconvenient at times, like at the movie theater or when I'm grocery shopping.

Nonetheless, I still tend to think it's better to try and drink those 8 glasses if possible.

What about you? Do you drink a lot of water?

Healthy Holiday Gifts

Yes, I know it seems kind of early (to some). But I'm already writing my Christmas gift list! Instead of giving everyone another sweater or necktie, this year I've decided to give healthy gifts!

Most of my friends and family know about my interest in all things diet and fitness, and many of them could use a little extra "push" toward a healthier lifestyle. And, fortunately, I can save money on these gifts with coupon codes from websites like!

So here's my gift list for those I love most:

Hubby: He already enjoys a good run or weight lifting workout, so I think he'll get some new workout shorts and shirts with from Champion Catalog bargains.

Parents: They're a little bit older, so I'm going to scour the Footlocker coupons to find them some nicely priced walking shoes.

Friends: Most of my friends enjoy beer as their beverage of choice, so I'm going to find some cool water bottles with Sierra Trading Post deals. Maybe they'll start drinking more water and less beer!

Me: I'm going to get myself a little holiday gift, too! On my wish list this year is a new sports bra, which I know I can find at a bargain price with Dicks Sporting Goods coupons.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Bad Blogger

I've been a very bad blogger! My posts have been sporadic at best. I've had an out-of-town guest, I've been swamped with work, and things in my personal life are a little stressful right now.

Not that I'm trying to make excuses... *wink*

Just as an overview...

I'm still trying to get back on track with my exercise program. Unfortunately, I've been in a bit of a funk lately, and it's been kind of hard to get my tush off my couch. To make matters worse, Hubby and I have been totally immersed in an XBox game. I should've bought Dance Dance Revolution instead. At least it requires movement!

My nutrition plan has been fairly solid, at least. Even though the weather is still a bit warm, I made a giant pot of veggie chili and have been eating it for lunch every day. It's a great way to get a boatload of fiber and nutrients in one, easy-to-heat meal.

My work life has been pretty hectic... I am trying to make money by freelancing, but it requires a lot of persistence and tenacity. I spend most of my time looking for work rather than really working, which gets discouraging at times.

Hope everyone else is staying healthy and strong!