Monday, March 10, 2008

Puffy Face

So I admit it. I've been slacking a bit on my nutrition since becoming pregnant. Through the nausea of the first trimester, I could only stomach "white" foods like breads and rice and cereals. In the second trimester, I've found myself craving sweets--doughnuts and ice cream and cookies. These are foods I (usually) rarely eat.

Today I peered at my reflection in the mirror, and saw a big, puffy face staring back at me. I almost didn't recognize myself! I've definitely packed on some extra pounds.

Since I want this pregnancy to be as healthy as possible, I know I must commit to returning to my normally healthy diet. I have to say "no" to the cookies and "yes" to the veggies. It won't be easy--I've grown fond of my midnight snacks of Oreos and ice cream bars--but it's something I need to do.

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