Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Results? No Results.

As some of you may remember, I dabbled with the idea of completing a modified version of The New York Body Plan... a program that previously gave me dramatic (water) weight loss results.

Well... it just didn't happen. I couldn't even make it through one day of the program. Here's my LAME-O LIST OF EXCUSES:
  • I lack self-discipline.
  • I've been totally stressed about my job, causing lots of wine drinking and munchies.
  • I've lost my motivation.
  • I've been unusually tired.
  • I've been battling hives.
  • My plantar fasciitis has grown worse, but I don't get fitted for orthotics until May.
Sounds like a total crock o' sh*t, doesn't it?

So anyway... I'll be attending this black tie event with too much bloat and not enough lean muscle. And I'll probably be self-conscious the whole time.

But May is right around the corner. In fact, Michelle--our fearless Challenge leader--has already issued a call for May participants, and I have answered her call.

As you can see from my lame-o list, I have a tendency to make excuses.

But there's no excuse for not taking care of myself. There' s no excuse for mindlessly munching junk food night after night, and for skipping workouts because of sheer laziness.

I haven't yet decided on a goal for May... but one of them might include making May a "No Excuse" month!


Fatinah said...

please don't be so hard on yourself - you looked so beautiful in those dresses!

maria said...

I can certainly relate to being fed up with myself - and feeling like a loser. Big time! However! Part of taking care of yourself is not beating yourself up either! Lets just forget how we have messed up..and just move forward. You can do better tomorrow..and as they say.. it's another day! It's never too late for a clean slate..with your weight! (Maybe I should trademark that rhyme)? lol