Wednesday, August 15, 2007

AM or PM walks?

It's been super hot here... we've been going through a hot dry spell. (Although nothing like Jeannie's hot weather!) I can't stand exercising in the heat. It makes me feel sluggish and slow, and sometimes I feel like it's hard to breathe.

So if I want to take walks, that means I have to go out early in the AM or late in the evening. Fortunately, my schedule allows me to be flexible. Both times of day have their good points, such as...
  • AM walks means less traffic and it's a bit cooler.
  • PM walks means I don't have to get up early, plus Hubby is more likely to join me.
For now I've been doing PM walks, mostly because I am just soooooo not a morning person. I'd like to start morning exercise again (seems like I'm always saying that!), but I just can't peel my eyes open at sunrise. I know I just gotta dig deep and find the self-discipline. I keep promising myself: "Next week I'll get up early to exercise. Next week..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, this is the first day I have been able to make it this far (almost 2:00 p.m.) without collapsing from fatigue b/c of a bronchial infection. So I have been doing NO walking. But tonight I plan to take my first short walk in a week. I can't be out in the sun while taking this antibiotic, and I can't brave the heat unless hubby is willing to suffer along with me.