Friday, April 27, 2007

YOU Inspire Me

So, if you read this post, you know I've been kinda lacking in self-discipline... and I've been making lame-o excuses for my skipped workouts and poor diet.

But I just spent this afternoon reading YOUR blogs. All my favorites, all my fellow challengers... I am now updated on your lives.

Let me tell you... YOU inspire me!
  • Despite bad moods, fights with spouses and awful days at work, you still have the gumption to go to the gym and do your workout.
  • You have lost amazing amounts of weight with awesome amounts of self-discipline.
  • You continue your steady weight loss, moving toward your goals with determined focus.
  • You are committed to healthy living, whether it means eating vegetables, lifting weights or making time for your spiritual needs.
  • You overcome all types of difficult challenges--illness, deaths of loved ones--and you still persevere.
  • You give your whole heart and soul to your life, whether it's your family, your spouse, your health or your church.
You inspire me!

I plan on jumping on the treadmill today and running my heart out. You've made me feel as if anything is possible... as if my dreams are within my reach!

Thank YOU!


JOY said...

What a lovely post. You are an inspirtation too.

We all have our own ways of dealing with the little things life throws at us. It is just nice to share them with such a lovely bunch of people,

Month by month I feel like I am really getting to know all the challengers and respect each and every one of you.

We all have our own reasons for losing weight and looking after ourselves a bit more.

I just feel so honoured to be part of it all. Each challenger has given me motivation and encouragement - I just hope I have done the same.

Together we can do it!

maria said...

WOWeeeee! THANK YOU for the shout-out!! {{take a bow...take a bow everyone..}} !!! That is a REALLY good idea for a blog posting (to give thanks) and that it came from your heart AND inspired you to RUN.. well.. our job is done! No...I mean.. we're DOING OUR JOB :-P !!!

Unknown said...

It works both ways on the inspiration

Jason The Running Man said...

Great Post!:) Run fast!